Buckingham Primary Nursery

Fun at Home

For our youngest members of nursery:

  • Kitchen roll tubes dipped in paint, squeeze the end for different effects. You can cut them before dipping in paint to create a different effect too
  • Vehicles run through paint to see tracks on paper
  • Treasure baskets – add household items to a basket/box for them to explore i.e. whisk, wooden spoon, old mobile phone, old tv remote
  • Saucepans and baking trays make great musical instruments when hit with a wooden spoon
  • Painting with water on a paving slab
  • Playing with coloured ice
  • Reading
  • Singing nursery rhymes
  • Copying facial expressions
  • Play peek-a-boo
  • Playing with bubble wrap to make it pop
  • Making a guessing bag, put toys in and let them feel and guess what it is
  • Offer different senses toys touch (rough sandpaper, soft toys, bottles etc) sound (toys, bag of coins, sounds on a phone etc)

Then perhaps try:

  • Things that can be dipped in paint for different effects; balloons, forks, corks, cotton reels, cotton buds, lego bricks, plastic animal feet, hands, fingers, leaves, twigs etc
  • Cars with pens taped to the back for making marks
  • Scraps of coloured paper, tissue paper, felt, foam, faux fur for collaging
  • Looking for colours
  • Mark making with chalks, pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons
  • Drawing with chalk on the floor and wash it all away
  • Reading stories and then creating a story box or bag, putting in what the children use to represent the characters
  • A large empty box as a train, car, spaceship or something else to transport you far away on an adventure
  • Singing songs and nursery rhymes
  • Sorting small toys into an egg box by colour, shape or size

And for our oldest members of nursery:

  • Finding shapes in the room
  • Finding the letters from their names in stories
  • Suncatchers made with tissue paper
  • Paper plates/boxes with numbers on, can they add the correct number of pom poms/balls
  • Junk modelling, any boxes, tubes etc glued or taped together
  • Old wallpaper taped to the floor for drawing or painting
  • Painting on tin foil
  • Teach children how to dress and undress ready for school
  • Encourage children to develop their self-help skills for school
  • Read favourite stories and ask the child/ren to retell in their own way. Make a story box or
    bag using different things to represent the characters in the story
  • Describe what is happening in a picture book
  • Dressing up in adult clothes
  • Pencil control sheets as found on Twinkl
  • Make up their own story and the adults can write it down
  • Cutting activities

Activities for any age group

  • Listen to the sounds you hear in the garden and compare them to those you hear on a walk
    Play leaf bingo by collecting some leaves and then match by describing the leaves
  • Build a den in the garden
  • Make a daisy chain
  • Make a leaf or bark rubbing
  • Make ice cubes with herbs
  • A large empty box as a train, car, spaceship or something else to transport you far away on
    an adventure
  • Blow bubbles in the garden and count how long until the pop
  • Make shadow creatures, this may need some help online for guidance!
  • Play pooh sticks on a walk
  • Make a leaf crown
  • Make an obstacle course
  • Make a time capsule
  • Go cloud spotting
  • Make a treasure map
  • Play leapfrog
  • Play hopscotch
  • Make and play skittles
  • Count spots on a ladybird
  • Sorting through unwanted toys
  • Split toys in to groups and swap them around each week to give child a variety of toys

Try some of these links too:

Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy | BookTrust

Cress - CBeebies - BBC CBeebies

Grown-Ups: Hoof and Safety Tips for Crossing Roads - Bing video

CBeebies: Minibeast Adventure with Jess - Waterboatman - Bing video